The Earth Talks About Me Like I Am Not There (2021)
Digital video with sound. 4 mins 30 seconds. Projected on to a honeycomb hand-grown mycelium screen.
The Earth Talks About Me Like I Am Not There draws inspiration from the mycelium network’s ability to distribute nutrients on a needs basis.
The mycelium hexagons connect my body to the earth, to the air, and to water in each landscape. Through a process of fabulation, of writing against footage and attempting to collapse the divisions between land, and sea and creature, The Earth Talks About Me Like I Am Not There is written from the perspective of our planet as if it were just discovering humans as a species, which (in its relative lifespan), seems quite possible.
The mycelium screen is a mirror. It holds itself before us and reflects our fragilities as a species but also our potential to find innovative ways to nurture the environment by harnessing biomaterials.