Spilt Milk? – A portfolio of still life photographs
Taking my cues from the previous project, I again playfully employed a reductive visual language to explore themes associated with balance, risk and anticipation through photographing assemblages of domestic objects. The main ‘protagonist’ in this instance is a glass of milk, which is deliberately placed in a series of precarious positions. Whilst the images are undoubtedly a provocation, they are intended through visual metaphor to provoke with good humour and directly relate to the idiom, ‘Don’t cry over spilt milk’. That no milk is actually spilt from the glass within the images asserts to the notion that the event or incident has yet to happen or is perhaps on the cusp of happening, hence the incusion of the question mark in the title. Like my previous work, the making of these images was a cathartic experience, an outlet for my anxieties during lockdown.