To Send or Not to Send
(The game duration is procedural and can end at different times.)
To Send or Not to Send is a 2d first person Fictional Interactive Digital narrative game which simulates a peaceful walk in a woodland environment. The player embodies a person who is friends with Brian, who suffers from anxiety.
As Brian walks in the park he will receive messages from his mobile where the player will be able to view the conversations and interact with the conversations by selecting emojis to “rate” how the conversation makes you feel.
The soundscape is generated and altered procedurally based partly upon the choices made within the game. The purpose of this game is demonstrate the possibilities of procedural sound design to emotionally impact on the player within the unity and fungus frameworks.( Caution : some abusive post shown people may find offensive )
The soundscape is generated and altered procedurally based partly upon the choices made within the game. The purpose of this game was to demonstrate the possibilities of procedural sound design demonstrate the possibilities of procedural sound design to emotionally impact the player utilising frameworks within Unity and Fungus.
AudioMixer Commands for Fungus script by Sercan Altun
Programming by Kirstin McLellan and Glenn Curtis
Animation effects by Glenn Curtis
Comments written by Marion Marlow
Visuals edited by Glenn Curtis and Kirstin McLellan
UI sounds designed by Kirstin McLellan
Game was programmed using Unity and Fungus
UI sounds designed in Ableton Live 10
Ambiences sourced from Soundsnap library’s
Special Thanks to GSA Staff at Simviz !
(If you click the quit button you need refresh the page on your browser to begin again)