Paper Cuts – A portfolio of still life photographs contextualised in a small publication

Due to the Covid-19 global pandemic, this project, like much of my current work, developed through my experiences of living in a limited and restricted space during long periods of physical and emotional isolation throughout lockdown. Initially, using an improvised lighting studio in my room, I playfully explored the materiality of domestic objects and how they related to or contradicted each other. Exploring themes associated with balance, risk and anticipation and using still life with a pared down and reductive but refined visual language, I began to view my photographs as a mirror, representing my own life. Through my assemblages, with the knife – sharp and stiff and the blank sheet of paper – light and soft, further themes of threat and vulnerability became apparent. Through introspection and critical reflection, I saw my images as a metaphor for my recent experiences. Conversely, or even perversely, through the enforced limitations imposed on me, I discovered a new way of making work and a form of creative liberty through the making of this work.

Paper cuts 01

Paper cuts 02

Paper cuts 03

Paper cuts 04

Paper cuts 05

Paper cuts 06

Paper cuts 07

Paper cuts 08

Paper cuts 09

Paper cuts 10

The Zine of Paper cuts

The Zine of Paper cuts

The Zine of Paper cuts

The Zine of Paper cuts

The Zine of Paper cuts

The Zine of Paper cuts