Empowering the Patients

NHS has been the first health service project that I have got to work on. Personally, it was a mammoth task as a designer to understand the operations of the health sector. NHS comprises of many stakeholders viz. Doctors, nurses, admins, therapists, pharmacists, health officers, directors, carers and patients. Every stakeholder plays a crucial part in the system, and their main goal is to achieve the healthiest life possible for the patient or service user.

NHS Ayrshire and Arran comprise various hospitals, community hospitals and rehabilitation centre. Douglas Grant Rehabilitation centre (DGRC), a part of the NHS Ayrshire and Arran Neurological Rehabilitation Service, has provided services for neurological diseases. We had to look into the current service offering of the DGRC and analyse the shortcomings in the offered services from the key stakeholders’ perspective.

Affinity Map

Ecosystem Map

Engagament tool


Ideation & sketching


Prototype testing