Emotional Pill Box

“For the real subject matter is not exhausted in its purpose, but in working the matter out; nor is the mere result attained the concrete whole itself, but the result along with the process of arriving at it.”


What will space look like when it is used as a tool to explore the development of self-awareness as a spatial medicine? This project intends to explore the changing process of internal self-awareness as the individual matures. It also attempts to construct a complete methodology for visualizing emotions and then apply its outcome.


Starting from the central idea of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit: the importance of process to the wholeness, and Dalio’s pain plus reflection equals progress. Projected into a psychological perspective, it explores the dynamic process of self-growth – the increasing self-awareness in life. The psychological concepts of the “Noisy Ego” and the “Quiet Ego” are introduced, and this process is translated into the individual’s ability to deal with anxiety. Using space as a tool, a mapping, visualization and spatializing approach is used to explore the two egos as they change in proportion to maturity, to better understand the specificity of the individual’s internal self-awareness at different stages of development.


This work also attempts to analyze and discuss the results of the visualization, based on the set of methodologies constructed. It also attempts to consider the applicability of the findings, the population to which the project outputs can be applied, and the sustainability, transferability and plasticity of the project. Exploring the interdisciplinary application of interior design, seeking the temperature of architecture.


The final design selected five rooms for an experiential hotel following the visualization of the emotions of the female respondent over 40 years of age.



Guest Room 1

Guest Room 2

Guest Room 3

Guest Room 4


Reception View

Facade Development

Facade Development

18-22/23 Female Interview Collage

18-22/23 Male Interview Collage

22/23-29 Female Interview Collage

22/23-29 Male Interview Collage

View 1

View 2

30-39 Female Interview Collage

>40 Female Interview Collage