An Explanatory Animation on B-Cell Malignancies and IBL-202 Treatment Mechanism
With the collaboration with Inflection Biosciences Inc., I have created an explanatory animation series of B-cell receptor and BCL-2 pathway involvement during B-cell malignancies and the IBL-202, a dual inhibitor drug in development by Inflection Biosciences, mechanism to inhibit these target pathways.
B-cell malignancies are types of cancer that involve abnormal proliferation of B-cells and can negatively affect the function of the immune system. Several biological pathways can be involved in the development of B-cell malignancies, including the B-cell receptor pathway and BCl-2 pathway. Currently, multiple drugs that target these pathways are in clinical trials or used for the patient treatment of B-cell malignancies. IBL-202, being developed by Inflection Biosciences Inc., is a dual inhibitor drug of both B-cell receptor and BCL-2 pathways. It aims to improve treatment outcome by blocking both pathways at once. This dual inhibition can prevent a pathway compensating for the inhibited pathway and continuing to promote malignant cell proliferation and survival.
The animation focused on the purpose of science communication, which communicates complex scientific concepts to the wider audience inside and outside the scientific community to support their decision-making process. The design aimed to appropriately use visual and auditory cues to deliver the key information to the audience.