
Aberration: (noun)

a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically an unwelcome one.


the failure of rays to converge at one focus because of a defect in a lens or mirror.


This series of work consists of contradictions, non-sequiturs, facts that are distorted and facts that are not facts, exaggerations, and chronic rhetorical vagueness.  Broadly looking at the “right wing agenda” from an atemporal perspective, the work interrogates and critiques not only the search for meaning in an increasingly polarised and disconnected cultural landscape, but those who provide “meaning” according to the terms of their own agendas.  The work touches on cults, conspiracy theories, religious hypocrisy, evangelical christianity and the attempt to establish a digital theocracy, all filtered thru the lens of broadcast and digital media.

For Sale: Price on Request (NFT)
For Sale: Price on Request (NFT)
For Sale: Price on Request (NFT)