Hydro-City Stories
This is an example of the Flowing 2 Column Layout. It’s Glasgow 2050, sea-levels have risen submerging Glasgow Airport and rainfall is at a record high. With water being one of the last abundant resources, bringing both devastation and new opportunities, the city has reinvented itself as a Hydro-City.
In the age of the Anthropocene, the geological time period where human activity is the dominant influence on climate and the environment, humans have become disconnected from the systems of nature our survival depends on. Decision making often happens within the confines of the artificial world where business, economics, war, crime, discrimination, religion and politics soak up our attention and we neglect the natural ecosystems like pollination and the water cycle.
‘Hydro-City Stories: Glasgow’ is a project which is exploring the potential of using transmedia stories for public engagement on environmental issues in the city. Glasgow currently faces the threat of sea-level rise and increased flooding over the next 50 years. This project seeks to prompt public engagement with imagined futures for a Glasgow that has adapted to these risks, making the issue tangible and relatable. Now, more than ever, we need new ways of facilitating progressive discussions unencumbered by the constraints and preconceptions of the present.