MDes Sound for the Moving Image School of Simulation & Visualisation

Fraser MacBeath (He/Him)


Fraser MacBeath is an Audio-visual artist and music producer from the Isle of Lewis. Through the use of field recording, archive material and videography his home in the Outer Hebrides plays a central role in the work he produces. His primary focus lies in integrating new technology with often antiquated aspects of Hebridean culture.

Website: Fraser MacBeath - Audiovisual Artist
Tiugainn Dachaidh
Bha Là Eile Ann – Radiophrenia Glasgow 2020
Clyde Built

Tiugainn Dachaidh

PASSWORD – hebrides

The Outer Hebrides are among rural communities throughout the world that are experiencing population decline. Out of any Scottish local authority region, The Outer Hebrides is where this is most significant. From 1901 to 2001 the population has fallen by 40% . More recent figures show that population is predicted to decline by a further 16% between 2018 and 2046 while the rest of Scotland is set to increase by 2.4%. The Outer Hebrides comprise more than 70 islands but only 15 remain inhabited today.

This work uses footage recorded in abandoned houses, field recordings from the Isle of lewis and Scottish archival audio in order to give an immersive experience of the loss currently being experienced there.

List of Archive Material Used:

Title: CALEDONIA’S WAIL FOR NEIL GOW, HER FAVOURITE MINSTREL/THE 79TH’S FAREWELL TO EDINBURGH CASTLE/LADY MADELINA SINCLAIR/MARQUIS OF TULLIBARDINE, Paul Anderson(contributor); Peter Cooke (fieldworker); ref. SA1985.038 School of Scottish Studies Archives, University of Edinburgh.

Title: Tha an sagart agus na tha an làthair a’ gabhail Ùrnaigh an T…, MacLellan, Fr Calum, 1926- (358) Northbay Congregation, Grp (5463) (contributor); Mary MacDonald (fieldworker); ref. SA1970.158 School of Scottish Studies Archives, University of Edinburgh.

Title: Tha na fiosraichean ag aithris seann ùrnaighean (contributor); Unknown Person, MacLeod, Angus (6898), MacNeil, Morag (6899), MacLeod, Angus (6898), MacNeil, Morag (6899) (fieldworker); Mary MacDonald ref.SA1970.159 School of Scottish Studies Archives, University of Edinburgh.

Title: little girl tells a story about a princess, a kind witch,. (contributor); unknown [child] (fieldworker); Alan Bruford, ref. SA1976.094, School of Scottish Studies Archives, University of Edinburgh.

Title: NACH FREAGAIR THU, CHAIRISTÌONA (contributors); Morrison, Mary, 1890-1973 (2377) (Fieldworkers) Campbell, Dr John Lorne, 1906-1996 (614), ref. album_01_D08A. The Canna Collection

Title: THUG MI GAOL DON FHEAR BHÀN, (contributors); Buchanan, Mrs, 1904-1993 (5285)
(fieldworkers); Campbell, Dr John Lorne, 1906-1996 (614), ref. album_02_D09-B. The Canna Collection.

Title: ÒRAN MÒR MHICLEÒID (contributors);MacLeod, Marietta, 1926-1983 (5966) (fieldworker); Hamish Henderson, ref. SA1952.42.A6, School of Scottish Studies Archives, University of Edinburgh.

Title: ÒRAN MÒR MHICLEÒID, (contributor); Dolina Maclennan (fieldworker); Hamish Henderson, ref. SA1962.14.A3, School of Scottish Studies Archives, University of Edinburgh.

Title: Cradle song (contributor); Smith, Sam, 1924-? (8688), (fieldworker); Jo Millar and Steve Sutcliffe, ref. SA1987.086, School of Scottish Studies Archives, University of Edinburgh.

Title:Biographical information, (contributor); Currie, Calum, 1894-? (4382) (fieldworker); Mary MacDonald, ref. SA1970.60.A1

Title: S E SEO SREATH DE DH’ÙRNAIGHEAN GOIRID., (contributor); Fr Callum Maclellan (fieldworker);Mary MacDonald, ref. SA1970.157

Tiugainn Dachaidh

Stereo Version.

Tiugainn Dachaidh

Binaural Version. Please use headphones for the immersive effect

Bha Là Eile Ann – Radiophrenia Glasgow 2020

Experimental immersive storytelling, produced for Radiophrenia Glasgow 2020. Made with field recordings from the Isle of Lewis and archive recordings from the Tobar An Dualchais archive, specifically The School of Scottish Studies Archive and The Campbell Collection in Canna. The list of contributors and recordists are as follows

SA1973.160 A changeling baby banished and the real baby restored
SA1976.109 A fisherman saw a mermaid sitting on a rock
SA1975.107 A man was changed into a woman and had a family before being…
SA1972.176. An Ataireachd Àrd
SA1957.041. Essie Stewart gives a description of a fairy she saw
SA1955.094 A woman was rescued from a cliff prison by her lover.
SA1957.043 The contributor discusses his fondness for storytelling.
SA1989.045 Santa Cruz
SA1964.067 The Shoals o Herrin
SA1971.072 Dh’fhàg mi ‘n Seo na Shìneadh e
SA1985.057 Unknown/Gypsy Woman


Betsy Whyte, Duncan MacKinnon, Essie Stewart, Alec Stewart,
Brucie Henderson, John James, Gordeanna McCulloch, Dolina Maclennan,
Thomas David Edgar


Peter Cooke, Jo Miller, Linda Williamson, Ian Paterson, Calum Maclean, Hamish Henderson, Margaret Bennet, Stephanie Smith, Norman Buchan

Bha Là Eile Ann

Clyde Built

Clyde Built

Using excepts from an article by Darren McGarvey AKA Loki, this work looks to bring attention to the high suicide rate in Glasgow.