Ying Chang
Ying Chang graduated from the Camberwell School of Art with a bachelor’s degree. The work focuses on the sensory connection with daily space.
People and space are inextricably connected. Space has life and its own language, gain personalities by occupied objects. This kind of relationship is fascinating. Winston Churchill said: “We shape our buildings and afterward our buildings shape us. They regulate the course of our lives.” I can not agree more. This influence is not only reflected in the spatial layout and visual effection, but also in acoustics and smell. By experiencing the space with a different aspect, people’s perceptions and memory of space are enhanced.
Hearing the Home
“We experience spaces not only by seeing but also by listening.” (Blesser, B & Salter, L. 2007) The experience of space is the superposition of multiple senses. In general, it is not easy to perceive space with hearing. When in a dark environment, the auditory sense will replace vision as a tool to explore space. This “acoustic awareness” can act on all of us.
The awareness of environmental sound is weaker in living space, as it is so ordinary as part of daily life and tends to be ignored and taken for granted. During the lockdown, the sound in the room attracted my attention and made me realize that each space and object have their own sound.
Sound can create a virtual environment and bring immersion experiences, such as the acoustic of cafes and libraries. These sounds will be used to block the surrounding noise and help concentrate. However, It is difficult to find the sound of home, a composition of functional spaces. Base on the fact that people spend so much time in their houses, I wonder that what kind of sound can represent the home environment? Is that the same for every house? How do these sounds construct the characteristics of the space?
The project aims to collect sound from objects and spaces in a domestic environment, discover the hidden actions and emotions behind the sound. visualizing the sound of objects to geometry models in order to question the identity of the house, and explore the possibility of using sound as inspiration in design form.
Analysis from the recorded sounds of different occupants in the same room type could find out the difference and similarities of living patterns. The result of this subject will design a 3D virtual house based on the patterns of occupants in the actual recording to provide a symbolic experience based on the aspect of sound.