Shuyu Xiong (She/her)
The initial phase of the project was inspired by a new generation of punk subculture youth generation, tracing the subculture back to the 1970s—the origin of punk culture. A representative designer associated with early UK punk fashion was Vivienne Westwood, a lot of research was done on the bondage clothes of Vivienne Westwood in the early stage, different materials and garment were explored by means of binding through the body research, in an attempt to find the infinite possibilities of the bound objects. I was also drawn to them in my exploration of the subculture of the ’70s—The Cockettes. A performing group from San Francisco which comprised male, female, white, black, American Indian, straight, queer, and transgender. Their first and most representative performance called “Pearls over Shanghai”, the costume evolved from traditional Chinese costumes and accessories as well, such as the Great wing the ancient Chinese princess wear. Also including cloud shoulder, is an ancient decorative fabric on the shoulder, mostly made up of four kinds of cloud patterns. Exploration on the plane through the original structure of these traditional costumes and architecture also provides many possibilities for the shape of the garments.
MA project
The initial phase of the project was inspired by a new generation of punk subculture youth generation, then tracing the subculture back to the 1970s—the origin of punk culture. Early punk fashion adapted everyday objects for aesthetic effect: ripped clothing was held together by safety pins or wrapped with tape, clothing that is often associated with transgressive sexuality, like BDSM and S&M. Along with this came the punk spirit, which was characterised by anti-establishment views, the promotion of individual freedom. A representative designer associated with early UK punk fashion was Vivienne Westwood. In this project, a lot of research was done on the bondage clothes of Vivienne Westwood in the early stage, and in the later body research, different materials and garment were explored by means of binding, in an attempt to find the infinite possibilities of the bound objects.
At the same time I was inspired by another group in Los Angeles—The Cockettes. They are performing group from San Francisco which comprised male, female, white, black, American Indian, straight, queer, and trans members. Their first and most representative performance called “Pearls over Shanghai”, the costume evolved from traditional Chinese costumes and accessories as well, such as the Great wing thee ancient Chinese princess wear. Also including cloud shoulder, is an ancient decorative fabric on his shoulder, mostly made up of four kinds of cloud patterns. Exploration on the plane through the original structure of these traditional costumes and architecture also provides many possibilities for the shape of the garments.