Pat Joyce (he/him)
My approach to design is informed by my background in psychology, sociology, and politics, as well as my experiences working in labour and service industries in Canada, Australia, and the UK. To me, design is the art of detail. My design interventions delve into the detail of people’s interactions with and understandings of civic and social systems in order to bring people closer to the issues that affect their lives.
Raised in a rural, working-class region of Canada, I am conscious of the space between the academy and the many different types of people that scholarship endeavours to serve. I believe that design’s power lies in its ability to bring people into the fold and bridge the gap between academia and the everyday. In this ethos, I see my role as designer as that of translator: facilitating knowledge-sharing to understand the ways people and systems interact and using this knowledge to design co-creative processes that prompt speculation and imagination of alternatives.
Growing Masculinities: Speculation, Reflexivity, and Masculine Spaces
This project, a feminist-influenced exploration of masculinities, aims to create spaces and provide tools for men to contemplate, critique, and contest normative ideals of masculinity and to engage men in the development of feminist blueprints for healthy masculinities.
Using a speculative design methodology and iterative process through a series of pilot workshops, I propose a method that serves to foster reflexive conversations among men on the nature and experience of masculinity. I go on to discuss the potential evolution of this method toward a multi-modal exploration of masculine experience, underpinned by a theoretical understanding of masculinities as multi-dimensional and dynamic. Through the use of co-creative engagement tools, this project endeavours to create spaces and offer reflexive tools for men to contemplate, critique, and contest normative masculinity.