Kaoru Takemoto (she/her)

I am an illustrator who previously worked as a graphic designer in Tokyo. I came to study in the UK with the ambition of becoming a visual story teller, which is my long-cherished dream. I am particularly interested in the craft associated with print media, and enjoy exploring abstraction in visual narrative through my illustrations.

‘Break in the Clouds’
– A series of screen prints based on semi-autobiographic memories
The overarching theme of my narrative series, ‘Break in the Clouds’ explores the complexities of relationships within the family. The images are often tinged by sadness and conflict, but also aspire to depict moments of happiness. My research was based on collected fragments of my childhood memories, with the primary aim of authentically reaffirming the true connections within the family. Through my visual language, I wanted to abstract and exaggerate certain aspects of my memories in a playful but refined way.
‘Break in the Clouds’ – Sketchbooks and Development work
I see my sketchbook as an essential part of my creative practice, it’s a space to play with drawing and colour and freely experiment with my ideas. Through an iterative process, I reconfigure and refine my primary drawings into a suitable visual language for screen printing. Though my sketches are more personal and experimental than the final work, I am trying to retain their essence and liveliness.
‘Who will turn on the lights?’
Sketchbook work and development work for an ongoing picture book project
Still in development, this project explores the psychological world of a child. It is about an imaginative and curious boy who is afraid of the darkness and how he overcomes his anxiety between dusk and dawn. As the story develops he grows in confidence and little by little so does the light in his heart.